$35.00 USD

Fried Egg Painting Tutorial

A fried egg is a classic still life subject that is so much fun to paint...and it's easier than it looks.

Come discover how to paint this fried sunny-side-up egg in under six hours. I walk you through the entire process, from sketching onto the painting surface to the final detailed brushstroke.

You will gain insight into the colors I use and why I have chosen to work with these specific ones. I discuss how to create a range in value and how to navigate color temperature to create varied tones within a painting. Learn what I pay careful attention to in order to change shape into form and create the illusion of a real three dimensional object.

You will get:

  • An easy-to-follow step by step process of the entire painting
  • Materials List
  • Reference Images 
  • 14 page Tutorial Guide download that summarizes each step and includes photos
  • An explanation of my chosen color palette
  • Insight into how I build layers to create a realistic effect in my painting
  • 52 minutes of video